Safety as a First Priority
All employers and service providers have a responsibility for the safety and wellbeing of their employees and anyone else affected by their work,
whether that be clients or visitors to client sites. Responsibilty for Health and Safety matters ultimately lies with our Chief Operations Officer,
but everyone at Pure Security Services has a part to play in ensuring that the work we do is safe at all times.
Health & Safety of Our Security Guards
We take the following measures to safeguard our staff:
- Work with our customers to implement the Health & Safety Measures they have identified for their sites
- Ensure that all guards are fully trained in H&S matters and that training in maintained
- Take measures to ensure that guards are always aware of the fire-safety proceedures at the sites where they work
- Vet our suppliers and subcontractors to be sure that their H&S protocols are at an acceptable standard
- Provide access to toilet facilities and clean water
- Agree a properly documented process with customers to deal with any incident, accident or near miss involving or witnessed by our staff
Training of Our Security Guards
All Security Operatives will be trained in the following areas:
- General Health and Safety
- Manual Handling
- Dealing with agression and dangerous situations
- Fire Safety
For more details, take a look at our training page.
General Health & Safety Measures
- Maintain regular risk assessments for all sites under our control
- Ensure that measures identified during assessments are undertaken
- Provide personal protective equipment where necessary and instruct staff on its use
- Provide and maintain safety equipment at sites under our control
- Ensure that our Fire Safety Policy is available to all staff
- Ensure that safety equipment and fire-safety equipment is properly maintained
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